<aside> <img src="/icons/crayon_gray.svg" alt="/icons/crayon_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Decorate page to your liking


Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 11.18.32 PM.png

<aside> <img src="/icons/document_gray.svg" alt="/icons/document_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Change the icon of the page by pressing on it


The icon in this case is the black document page with the corner fold.

The icon in this case is the black document page with the corner fold.

<aside> <img src="/icons/categories_gray.svg" alt="/icons/categories_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Rename page to your liking (ex: Spring 2024). This is essentially your “homepage” or “student dashboard”.


<aside> <img src="/icons/categories_gray.svg" alt="/icons/categories_gray.svg" width="40px" /> View individual pages assigned to each class. Also view your class schedule (could include work schedule).


Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 11.25.19 PM.png

<aside> <img src="/icons/categories_gray.svg" alt="/icons/categories_gray.svg" width="40px" /> View all Assignment Trackers for your classes by toggling open the section (click on little arrow).


All class Assignment Trackers can be viewed from your “homepage” by clicking on the above sections: Class 1, Class 2, etc. These trackers will also appear in their dedicated pages.

All class Assignment Trackers can be viewed from your “homepage” by clicking on the above sections: Class 1, Class 2, etc. These trackers will also appear in their dedicated pages.

<aside> <img src="/icons/folder_gray.svg" alt="/icons/folder_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Attach important website links to a set of text. For example, to a Google Classroom or Box folder. Attach files as well, such as a syllabus or other relevant material.


<aside> <img src="/icons/folder_gray.svg" alt="/icons/folder_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Add more Pages as you see fit, like one for Notes or specific projects.


<aside> <img src="/icons/folder_gray.svg" alt="/icons/folder_gray.svg" width="40px" /> View and edit Assignment Tracker.


Screenshot 2024-01-12 at 11.35.12 PM.png

1. Highlight text. 2. Click on “Link”. 3. This box will appear where you can paste your desired link.

  1. Highlight text. 2. Click on “Link”. 3. This box will appear where you can paste your desired link.

Type “/” the slash symbol, followed by “file”. Click on the File box. Once you’ve chosen your file, it embeds into the page as the file name. You can click on your file which will open in your browser.

Type “/” the slash symbol, followed by “file”. Click on the File box. Once you’ve chosen your file, it embeds into the page as the file name. You can click on your file which will open in your browser.

These are lines of text. Like it says, you type the slash in order to open a menu. (You can ignore the AI thing, I never use it.)

+ adds a line of text. :: opens up a menu or drags line of text elsewhere. Typing “/” opens commands menu.

The + sign adds another line of text below the current one.

Type “/” and a scrollable menu opens up. This is how you add Pages, Files, Images, Videos, To-Do lists, and so many other options.

Type “/” and a scrollable menu opens up. This is how you add Pages, Files, Images, Videos, To-Do lists, and so many other options.

The ::: dots are where you press and hold to move the line of text to different areas of the page. Just pressing it opens up another menu.

::: opens up this menu

::: opens up this menu

The issue is you want Texts 1 and 2 next to each other, not above and below.

The issue is you want Texts 1 and 2 next to each other, not above and below.

Use the ::: dots to drag Text 2 alllll the way to the end of Text 1’s line. A short vertical should show up. Drag Text 2 around a bit if a longer vertical line or another type of line shows up instead.

Use the ::: dots to drag Text 2 alllll the way to the end of Text 1’s line. A short vertical should show up. Drag Text 2 around a bit if a longer vertical line or another type of line shows up instead.

<aside> <img src="/icons/star-of-life_red.svg" alt="/icons/star-of-life_red.svg" width="40px" /> How to Use Assignment Tracker


First, type in the Assignment Name. Input the Due Date for the assignment. If useless, delete the Semester Week column, otherwise simply click on the Week number your assignment is due in. For status, there are 3 options: Not Started, In Progress, and Completed. When selecting the Due Date, a mini calendar will pop up and you can choose the day. Toggle the “Include Time” option if you’d like to assign a specific time. I set these Trackers to calculate the percent of assignments that are “In progress” (you can edit this) and to calculate the earliest due date at the bottom of each table.

First, type in the Assignment Name. Input the Due Date for the assignment. If useless, delete the Semester Week column, otherwise simply click on the Week number your assignment is due in. For status, there are 3 options: Not Started, In Progress, and Completed. When selecting the Due Date, a mini calendar will pop up and you can choose the day. Toggle the “Include Time” option if you’d like to assign a specific time. I set these Trackers to calculate the percent of assignments that are “In progress” (you can edit this) and to calculate the earliest due date at the bottom of each table.

Hover over assignment name to trigger the “OPEN” option. This will open a mini-page on the side. In this mini-page (which is expandable to full size) you can insert important info about the assignment, etc.

Hover over assignment name to trigger the “OPEN” option. This will open a mini-page on the side. In this mini-page (which is expandable to full size) you can insert important info about the assignment, etc.